Volunteer Opportunities

Did you know that according to Statistics Canada, almost 12.7 million Canadians, aged fifteen and older, volunteered for charities in 2018. In 2018, almost 12.7 million people volunteered for charities, non-profits and community organizations – accounting for 41% of Canadians aged fifteen and older (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/45-28-0001/2020001/article/00037-eng.htm).

Did you know that an estimated 25.1 percent of US adults volunteered in 2017, contributing about 8.8 billion hours (National Center For Charitable Statistics). In 2017, the average number of hours contributed per volunteer was 137 (Statista, Nov 3, 2021; https://www.initlive.com/blog/20-volunteer-statistics-every-nonprofit-should-know.)

Did you know that 74% of nonprofits in the USA report that constituents' desire to participate in their organization's work has increased over the last five years (Salesforce.org)

Did you know that according To The Latest Giving USA 2020 Report, Americans Gave $450 Billion To Charity.

Please consider volunteering with SRM in Canada, the USA, or Africa. As a professional, retired person, or student, you can become involved in a cause that makes a difference in the lives of others.


Volunteer / Mission Opportunities

With any charity / ministry there are many ways in which one can volunteer and help make a difference in peoples’ lives. SRM needs your help. As a professional, retired person, or student, you can become involved in a cause that makes a difference in the lives of others.


Luke 10: 29-37

Find Your Volunteer Niche!

Through SRM you will find the niche that you are looking for! Areas include:

  • audio/visual
  • accounting
  • data entry
  • website design
  • marketing
  • hosting for mid-week services
  • ministry ambassadors
  • newsletter design
  • office administration
  • video production
  • mission support
  • fund raising


Consider Applying to Join SRM's International Board of Directors

SRM has openings for members of the Board of Directors. Current Board members are located in Canada, the USA, and Kenya. Please contact SRM if you are interested.

SRM Board members in Kenya


Curious chidren in East Africa with SRM pastors

Are You Interested in Joining a Mission Trip

You maybe interested in becoming a member of one of SRM's overseas ministries. Recently a friend of SRM spent two weeks In Kenya with SRM.

Get involved.

If you would like to learn more about "getting involved", send us an email and we will call you to chat about your interests and how you might help. Please consider supporting our many overseas mission's initiatives and ministries with your prayers or financial donations. Thank you!


Kenya community and church members welcoming SRM guests

Please donate to help SRM meet its global ministry demands. You can help change the world!

SRM / Zadok Ministries International Curaçao Mission Partners


Become a Friend of SRM

Friends SRM 2020 Application
